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The agent contains denitrifying bacteria. This solution is used to supply millions of useful bacteria and enzymes into aquarium water; they form an extremely important part of the ecosystem in your aquarium.
The agent contains selected species of natural bacteria which produce enzymes. These bacteria feed on organic waste which is the source of nutrition for their growth and reproduction. Through complex chemical reactions, organic waste is metabolized to water and carbon dioxide. Under ideal conditions, the bacteria propagate very quickly and they produce a new generation every 20-30 minutes. The number of the bacteria increases in a geometrical ratio, until the source of nutrition is exhausted or until there is a major change in aquarium conditions (such as a significant change of pH or a considerable depletion of oxygen which the bacteria vitally need for their reproduction). Also, abnormal use of chemicals in your aquarium, for instance during some treatment of the fish, may suspend the growth of plants temporarily or it may even eliminate the bacterial culture overall.
Enzymes are supportive chemicals (catalysts) which break down complex molecules of waste substances into smaller pieces which may then be digested by the bacteria. Enzymes are inanimate, they do not grow or propagate; they are produced by bacteria. They may be divided into four groups which break down fats and lipids, proteins, cellulose, carbohydrates and starch.
Special nutrients are added into the product to provide for the supply of vitamins and minerals, as they do not have to be present in polluted water and their shortage could influence the bacterial function.
Biofiltr should be applied into functioning aquariums always after serious interventions, such as thinning of plants, netting of fish (this always involves swirling of the bottom), treatment by agents disrupting the aquarium biorhythm, replacement of old filtration media etc.
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