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Dog Massage Oils Essential Kit
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Good for respiratory health, the unique consciousness refreshment formula, helps get fatigue relief, leave the dog in happy mood, full of the positive energy!
Ingredients: Eucalyptus, lime, mint, grapefruit oil, rosehip oil
Eucalyptus - Disinfection, sterilization, anti-virus, relieve chest pain, painkiller. Can be used as muscle soreness ointment. Also there are an insecticidal effect, and can ease the pain of insect bites.
Lime – Effective for tracheal problems.
Mint – Cleans up the throat, eliminate the halitosis.

Can relieve stress in overactive dogs, effectively reduces the emotional problems caused by anxiety, such as random barking and destructive behavior.
Ingredients: Lavender, bergamot, geranium, grapefruit oil, nut oil, rosehip oil.
Lavender - Balanced adjustment of physical and mental energy to stabilize emotions and relieve stress, depression and anxiety.
Bergamot - Can reduce depression and anxiety, reveal anger and frustration feeling.
Geranium - Can calm down the anxiety, depression, but also boost emotions, to keep psychological and emotional balance.

Adjust the beloved dog condition function, health care, relieve muscle cramps, improving physical fitness, enhancing health and longevity. Especially suitable for dogs with joint problems or easily depressed aged dogs.
Ingredients: Orange blossom, ginger, coconut oil, nut oil, rosehip oil.
Neroli – Calms nerves, insomnia, enhances cell viability, promote cell regeneration, brings sort of spirit of happiness, can reduce long-term anxiety, depression and stress.
Ginger – Warming up the body, stimulates emotions, make the feeling keen and happy. Helps relieving arthritis, joints pain, rheumatism, cramps and muscle aches.
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